Boeing from Schiphol via Eindhoven with rescue team on its way to Turkey

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has chartered a Boeing 737-800 from the Corendon airline at Schiphol to bring a rescue team to Turkey. A spokesperson for Corendon informed NH News about this. The aircraft flew from Schiphol to Eindhoven an hour ago. At 7 p.m., the Boeing will continue to Adana, which is a few hours’ drive from the earthquake zone.

Corendon’s Boeing 737 picks up 65 rescue workers from the Dutch USAR (Urban Search and Rescue Team) and eight dogs at Eindhoven Airport. An hour later, a military C-17 transport aircraft leaves for Turkey with 15 tons of rescue equipment.

A large area in Turkey and Syria was hit this morning by a magnitude 7.8 earthquake, followed by a magnitude 7.7 quake. So far, more than 2,300 people have died in the natural disaster. Aid is being sent from several countries, including the United Kingdom, France, Israel and the Netherlands.
