Body Positivity according to fitness coach Giulia Calefato

THEFitness can change your life. Because working on the body is also a boost for the soul, for self-esteem. He tells us about it Giulia Calefato, fitness coach creator of the “Fit is Beauty” App which provides a daily program of functional training.

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Body Positivity, word to the fitness coach

What do you think about body positivity?

Body positivity means to me love and appreciate your body whatever it is, regardless of size or weight. Many women do not love their legs because they do not accept their inevitable defects, but we must also realize that it is they, our legs, that carry us around every day allowing us to live our daily lives. We often forget about their importance until a small accident, for example, forces us to stop and only then do we realize how important it is to take care of and love our body.

Our survey shows that women are not very popular (on average a score of 6), which is especially true for younger women.

The company certainly transmits a winning image of women who are slim and responsive to gods aesthetic standards that are now obsolete. As a girl I suffered a lot from DCA (eating disorder), not because I wanted to resemble a particular aesthetic canon but because adolescence up to the age of 20 was a difficult time, in which it was not clear to me what my place in the world was. world. I believe that eating disorders or not accepting oneself depend not so much on imposed aesthetic standards but rather on the failure to achieve a good psychophysical balance.

When, thanks to the psychotherapy, to a degree in Philosophy and, last but not least, through sport I understood what was ultimately wrong with me and what was making me suffer, I managed to resolve the profound problem that was troubling me, and I also resolved the DCA. Of course I didn’t find the solution overnighta, it took 15 long years, a difficult path that since 2017 I also wanted to share with my followers through the blog and my profile ig @fitisbeauty_official. In my opinion, not accepting oneself is always a warning sign of something deeper that needs to be investigated in a multidisciplinary way with professionals.

Photo by Andrea Gandini, Styling by Alessandra Corvasce

How can physical activity improve your relationship with your body? What was your journey?

Sport and fitness have changed my life (in every sense). The endorphins that are released after even a short workout (30 minutes) give me energy, improve my good mood and give me the energy to face problems with more clarity, stimulating my creative streak. I can say that physical activity saved me and saves me every day, This is why I always have high motivation and I have been training for years without stopping. It goes without saying that we need to find the sport we like without forcing ourselves to follow disciplines where we really struggle (even psychologically), since physical activity must not be an excessive effort, something that takes us away from us, but something that , if done with consistency and commitment, offers many benefits in terms of health and, why not, also aesthetics.

I started training seriously and consistently at the age of 40 to improve myself a little, at home since I had young children and couldn’t go to the gym. The result? A great psychophysical balance and an athletic form that I never thought I would conquer and above all it wasn’t my goal. The beauty of following a correct lifestyle with consistency is that after a few years you “risk” finding the body you always wanted (albeit not perfect because that’s not the aim), which you were never able to achieve with restrictive diets and exhausting hours-long workouts.

Exercise is said to be good for your mood because it increases serotonin levels. When can it become a way of “not loving yourself”?

When you start by setting yourself only an aesthetic objective, you want to transform yourself in a short time, you train for hours, perhaps every day, and follow restrictive diets made up of continuous deprivation… Then not only do you not get the desired results but you harm yourself.

