Body Positive: Can Influencers Talk About Beauty?

P.arlare of body positive within the large square that are the social networks allows you to explore the perception of the diversity of each person, as well as sensitive issues of our current affairs. The so-called “social change” and the battles of diversity and inclusion in fact, they find fertile ground in the world of like, share, reel and through the more or less authoritative voice of influencers and creators.

Ipsosin collaboration with the National Influencer Marketing Observatory (ONIM) of which he is a partner, he created the first survey in Italy focused on the theme of Body Positivity and the role of influencer and creator. The question: it’s really them i more legitimate reference points to talk about issues such as body positive?

Body positive and influencers, their role in beauty

Especially following the pandemic, social networks have increasingly become a tool for relationships, entertainment, but also a place in which to discuss social issues. In fact, i contents and the sense of responsibility related to them.

Credits: GettyImages

Increasingly, influencers find themselves giving their opinion on even delicate situations and social issues, which would require skills and depth of approach. Like, above all, the so-called body positive, or the fight against homotransphobia.

The Ipsos survey and the National Influencer Marketing Observatory

According to the80% of the sample interviewed by Ipsos (which becomes 90% if only individuals belonging to the Gen Z) it is right for creators and influencers to have a voice on social issues as long as they do it in the right way: demonstrating authenticity and coherence with their lifestyle.

“The truth that research has brought out,” he explains Claudia BalleriniIpsos’ Branding and Market Strategy & Understanding Lead, «that’s how much these themes generate contradictions between users. Thanks to Metaphor technique, an Ipsos methodology that reads opinions from point of view behavioral (behavioral), we were able to intercept the mood and emotions of our interlocutors on the subject, going beyond the rational statement “.

The innovative technique, which uses a set of metaphorical images, has highlighted a dichotomy. “On the one hand, there is the social conscience that welcomes theand issues addressed on social media as a revolution whose values ​​are shared and positive. On the other hand, there is the individual sphere which remains influenced by stereotyped beauty and influences the perception of oneself and of one’s own body, precisely because of the platform that invites us to break down exclusions and stereotypes “.

Activism and brand ambassadors, how it works

The theme is also influential for companies, in the choice of their ambassadors which must result authentic and in line with the brand, avoiding an approach of body washing.

The choice must therefore be addressed not only taking into account the popularity of the influencer but above all of the themes and positions that he or she takes on a daily basis in the social sphere.

With or without creators, brands must support the acceptance of diversity and of the various types of bodies: shifting the focus from the acceptance of imperfections to the acceptance / inclusion of all the diversity and uniqueness of each person.

As part of the Body Positivity, hence, the brands cannot take advantage of the activism of influencers and creators, if distant from what they say. At least, the consistency it looks (still) like a valid “filter”.

