Body plastic surgery in menopause: abdominoplasty, liposuction, lipofilling

D.toneless neckline, belly, love handles on the hips and pads on the thighs. With the arrival of menopause it is inevitable lose the definition of the forms. There “hourglass” silhouette, harmonious and with the well-designed waistline of the 30 years, gives way to the “pear” or “apple” one typical of the 50 years, with volumes concentrated on the lower part.

Even if the lifestyle shuns excesses and is focused on one balanced diet and a minimum of daily exerciseefforts to counteract the new hormone-orchestrated roundness distribution are often futile.

To find it, help comes from plastic surgery, which identifies in abdominoplasty, liposuction and liposculpture the protocols useful for improving the proportions of the body during the same intervention.

Body plastic surgery, changes in the silhouette after menopause

With exceptions, with the turning point of menopause the shape of the silhouette with which you are used to living together loses its contours.

Credits: Instagram @salmahayek

«During this period the hormones enter a physiological state of imbalance: the so-called collapse of estrogen and progesterone levelswhich directly affect the beauty of the skin because they stimulate the skin fibers to produce collagen and elastin, ”he explains Corinna Rigoni, president of Donne Dermatologists Italia.

In parallel increase testosterone levels, the male hormone that takes over. This last element can create a new situation by targeting the abdomen, for example, where it is responsible for the increase in adipose tissue ».

“Also there breast skin is affected by the new situation with the formation of depressions and loss of volume of a skin texture by nature already endowed with a small connective scaffold ». In short, a new balance is created that not even targeted nutrition and specific exercises are able to cancel.

Body plastic surgery treatments over 45

Lean and fit but with a belly: it’s there typical condition of the woman with abdominal diastasisthe removal of the vertical rectus muscle located in the center of the abdomen, which often occurs after one or more maternity leave or following a significant weight gain.

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Helena Christensen: the secrets of her perfect physical shape at 52

In these cases, valuable help comes from body plastic surgery that locates in the abdominoplasty the main strategic retouch to redesign the figure. Not only that, it becomes even more effective when it is combined with other methods.

Let’s find out with the expert when this protocol is performed alone and when it is associated with other procedures.

Abdominoplasty, how it works

With the method abdominoplasty the excess skin texture on the lower abdomen is removed. Typically, the soft, hollow texture of the skin is the legacy of yo-yo diets, heavy weight loss, or the consequence of one or more pregnancies.

The modalities of the intervention are different. “Depending on the extent of the excess to be removed, the traditional technique is performed, which requires general anesthesia and hospitalization with the incision going from one side to the other, or the mini-abdominoplasty, in this case local anesthesia is sufficientpossibly with sedation, with the scar positioned at the upper edge of the pubic hair », explains Carlo Magliocca, president of the Italian Society of Reconstructive-Regenerative and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (SICPRE) recognized by the Ministry of Health.

Abdominoplasty + liposuction to thin

When they are present localized fat deposits on the belly or on the hips, take advantage of the abdominoplasty session to do small lipoaspirations.

«Suction cannulas are inserted into incisions 4-5 mm long, which are then closed without the need for stitches by applying a simple plaster. The treated area remains sore, bruised and swollen for a few days.

Especially for small lipoaspirations it is not necessary wear elastic sheaths and the situation is completely re-established in 10-15 days », says Carlo Magliocca.

The circumference of the abdomen and waist are reduced and the harmony between the upper and lower part of the body is restored.

Abdominoplasty + liposuction + lipofilling to slim and enlarge the breasts

When physical change associates you accumulate adiposes localized on the abdomen with an emptying of the breast, the intervention becomes even more complex. Not everything that is collected is eliminated, on the contrary.

«During the operating session, if necessary, the opportunity is also taken to perform a lhyposuction to remove fat from areas where it appears to be excessreplanting it in others, such as the bust, which would be more turgid ».

“With the lipofilling technique, i “Fat pads” are transformed into donor sites which constitute precious allies for a completely natural body remodeling. In fact, the fat that is removed from the abdomen and hips with liposuction can be successfully transferred into the breasts, which often tend to empty with age, ”explains Carlo Magliocca.

The result cannot be superimposed on breast augmentation, but returns roundness that embellish the shape. It should be remembered that 30-35% of the fat components transferred are metabolized by the body, but all the rest enters the tissues stably, plumping them up ».

After the surgery, the recommendations of the experts

The scars of abdominoplasty and mini-abdominoplasty remain quite evident for the first 6-8 months, until they become, depending on the personal response, even imperceptible.

There are two recommendations. “The first: refer to a specialist plastic surgeonor to those who, after graduating in medicine, attended the 5-year Specialization School in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.

The second: you must always consider that, even when you are in the best hands, there are risks associated with anesthesia when the interventions are particularly long and exceed 3 hours », Magliocca specifies.

In short, yes to the touch-ups, yes to the desire to look better and in shape … but always using common sense!

