‘BOD’ farmer Jan suffers from this muscle disease

His wife Rianne shares the sad news in a message on Facebook.

From Texel to Denmark

The Texel sheep farmer Jan got to know Rianne in 2015 through the popular program Farmer seeks wifeNot much later, the couple married and had two sons. The family was very happy on Texel, but they still longed for a new adventure. In the spring of 2021, the whole family emigrated to Denmark to start a dairy farm there. Their emigration was extensively featured in Our farm.

Farmer Jan in the hospital

But less than a year later, the family is hit by a major setback. “At the moment it is quite hectic at our farm and at home”, Rianne begins the sad message. “Rode? My dear Jan has been in hospital since last Tuesday. He has been diagnosed with Guillain-Barré. Fortunately, we were there in time and Jan has already had a treatment with immunoglobulin for 5 days. They can’t do more in terms of treatment. The body has to solve it on its own.”

serious symptoms

It Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a muscle disease that can start very suddenly and have serious symptoms. This can cause people to become paralyzed from one moment to the next. It is a condition that affects your nerves. This concerns the motor nerves that run from the spinal cord to the muscles to the sensory nerves that go from skin, joints and muscles to the spinal cord.

GBS occurs annually in two to three hundred people, young and old. It is not known why this happens to some and not to others.

Rehabilitation can take a long time

Jan is now in a rehabilitation center to regain his strength and movements through physiotherapy. According to Rianne, it is not clear how long the rehabilitation will take. “Hopefully not too long because I miss my dear husband, father and buddy very much here at home and on the farm.” To ensure that everything continues as normal, Rianne currently has to keep a lot of balls in the air. She is mainly busy with arranging things, taking care of their children, visiting Jan and doing the evening rounds on the farm.

“In short: I hope that Jan is well enough very soon that he can continue to rehabilitate at home, because being out of his own environment is just not for him”, Rianne concludes the message. She also shares an address for those who want to send a card to Jan.

Source: facebookmuscle fund

Apr 6, 2022
