Bobic’s statement on Korkut’s future at Hertha on Sunday

Hertha BSC wants to decide “in peace” about the future of Tayfun Korkut after the next bankruptcy, but managing director Fredi Bobic announced a statement for this Sunday.

“First of all, it means that we will be able to talk to each other again here in peace, as we always do. Also tomorrow morning. And then we’ll see,” said Bobic after the 0: 2 in the direct relegation battle on Saturday evening at Borussia Mönchengladbach. “After a game, I’m not one who has to announce something big here or whatever.”

Everything is now being discussed behind the scenes, where it belongs, said Bobic, who had requested points before the game.

“It’s a fact, we’re missing points, we’re in a direct relegation zone,” he said. Hertha, still without a win this year, slipped to 17th place in the table on the 26th matchday.

Coach Tayfun Korkut during the game on the sidelines (Photo: City-Press GmbH)
Coach Tayfun Korkut during the game on the sidelines (Photo: City-Press GmbH)

He will now communicate with the CFO and also with the club president, explained Bobic. “Of course I’ll talk to the coach. That’s why there won’t be any heck-a-boo. Rather, we shall see. We will definitely comment on this tomorrow,” he announced.

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Bobic, who moved to the capital from Eintracht Frankfurt last summer, signed Korkut as a rescuer at the end of November.
