Bobic plain text on Korkut, Friedrich and the team performance

Sports director Fredi Bobic (50) is struggling with his worst crisis since he took over at Hertha in the summer: sporting descent! Discussions about unsuccessful trainer Tayfun Korkut (47)! Lightning separation from sports director Arne Friedrich (42)! BZ analyzes Bobic’ most important statements.

The manager on Friedrich’s departure: “It was difficult for him to have an impact, including in the players’ perception. It was clear that I could no longer take him fully into many decisions that affect Hertha’s future.”

Means: Bobic no longer included Friedrich in his plans.

BZ knows: As early as the summer, people from the environment were amazed at Friedrich’s role in the club. The ex-professional is said to have been left out of obligations and contract negotiations, with Bobic and squad planner Dirk Dufner (54) instead being the first point of contact.

Bobic’s meeting with the team on Sunday morning is said to have been the last straw for Friedrich.

Arne Friedrich is no longer Hertha’s sports director (Photo: picture alliance/dpa)

The sports director drove up to the office at 9.17 a.m. and only 40 minutes rushed away again. Apparently, Bobic is said to have given him to understand that he should not attend the meeting any more than the coaching team and supervisors.

Bobic: “We talked for a long time on Sunday and Monday and came to the decision to separate earlier.” The final talks should then have been calm and respectful.

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► Neururer: Hertha coach Korkut has to sit down with the team

► Hertha continues to hold on to Tayfun Korkut

Bobic’s ultimatum to Korkut: “The tablecloth is not cut, it reaches the team. (…) The coach knows that we have to score points at the weekend, that’s inevitable. We’re playing against an opponent who has similar problems. This is the big opportunity.”

Means: If Korkut loses the crisis duel in Gladbach, he is gone.

Hertha coach Tayfun Korkut does not want to be left empty-handed again after the game in Gladbach on Saturday (Photo: City-Press GmbH)
Hertha coach Tayfun Korkut does not want to be left empty-handed again after the game in Gladbach on Saturday (Photo: City-Press GmbH)

The attitude of the team: “The players have realized that they are the problem and have to be honest with themselves. (…) We’re not a team at the moment. We need a wagon castle mentality. If someone doesn’t go along with us, we’ll do without them.”

Means: Bobic makes the professionals even more responsible. The relegation battle is decided in the head. Bobic does not shy away from taking personal consequences.
