Boat owner Jan Slagter takes swimming lessons after near-death experience | Stars

Slagter tells that in the podcast on Wednesday The Commandments of Dresselhuys and Slagter. “I was cleaning the boat and wanted to grab a reel of the syringe that threatened to fall into the water,” said Slagter. “I lost my balance and fell into the water. I went completely under water.”

Fortunately, in his panic, the broadcaster found a blue cable he could grab. “My wife Inge didn’t see me, she called out: where are you then? Fortunately a boat came up that helped us. But I don’t want to think what could have happened if I had been unconscious. I was in the water, had ingested water and had no ground under my feet.”

When Slagter gets his first swimming lesson, he didn’t tell in the podcast.
