BN’er friends Anna Nooshin get paid to praise her

It is a bit embarrassing: Anna Nooshin’s celebrities are paid to promote her documentary on Instagram. “Omg you have to pay your own friends what a shame!”

© Instagram, YouTube

Anna Nooshin has been battling her waning popularity for years. She was once a rising star and even got her hands on the presentation of Holland’s Next Top Model, but nowadays nobody really knows why she is known. And now she’s made a documentary for a streaming service, but you don’t hear about that at all.

Fred lyrical

To bring that Anna documentary to the attention a bit, Prime Video has pulled out quite a bit. For whom? Anna’s friends. They have now all posted photos and videos in their Instagram stories to say how great that documentary is.

Fred van Leer is one of them: “Dear people, I just watched the very first episode of Anna Nooshin’s documentary on Prime Video. Anna is of course a friend of mine, so I thought: I know a lot, but I didn’t know this story. (…) Yes, I think it turned out really nice.”

Monica lyrical

Influencer Monica Geuze is also impressed. “I was asked by Prime Video to give my honest opinion about the new documentary series by and about Anna Nooshin and even though I’ve known Anna for years and often in situations like this photo I’ve seen such a different side of her through the documentary. (…) I had seen all four of them around 2:30 am.”

And what does influencer Jade Anna have to say about it? “I think it’s great to see that Anna shows a very pure side of herself and talks about her childhood, family and moving many times. I also like that it’s a real documentary that’s about what Anna feels and thinks instead of the standard documentaries.”

Purchased opinion

All those posts are neatly indicated that they are paid advertisements, by means of the addition ‘ad’ or ‘partner’, but aren’t all those purchased opinions a bit embarrassing in this case?

The juice channels think so. “We don’t know which is weirder: that you pay ‘friends’ to promote this or that ‘friends’ get paid to post this?” said the Juice Channel.

And Yvonne Coldeweijer yells: “PARTNER?! ??? Omg that you have to pay your own friends how awful. Those compliments are all so cringe .”


The trailer of the Anna documentary:
