BMW Skiable 2024: sport and inclusion on the slopes for 21 years

In Sauze D’Oulx the new edition of the inclusion project supported by BMW Italia which allows athletes with disabilities to have ski lessons with the specialized instructors of the Sauze Project ski school

Alessandro Pinto


– Sauze d’Oulx (TO)

A mountain Skiable for anyone, thanks to the commitment of the instructors of the Sauze Project ski school supported by BMW Italy. Born in 2003, the SciAbile project offers free ski lessons to people with disabilities on the snows of Sauze d’Oulx (TO), welcoming, year after year, an ever-increasing number of participants in a climate of inclusion and passion for sport. It is one of the most appreciated and long-standing initiatives of the company program Especially Of BMW Italy, where challenges, projects and goals intertwine between sustainable industry, sport and humanitarian initiatives. Among the protagonists of the 21st edition of SciAbile, the paralympic athlete Carlotta “Cocca” Visconti and the pilot and founder of Differently Disabled, Emiliano Malagoli.

skiable 2024: the numbers

Over 16 thousand hours of ski lessons provided in 21 years, with more than 1,700 students involved. From the few dozen participants in the first years, up to the over 400 registered in recent seasons, with a parallel growth in SkiAbile activities and the specific equipment used, with the fundamental contribution of specialized ski and snowboard instructors. Participants can benefit from free specific courses for each type of disability (physical and motor, sensorial, intellectual-relational) thanks to the expertise achieved by the SciAbile instructors, capable of attracting an important portion of the participants from abroad who decide to experience the emotions among the peaks of Sauze d’Oulx.

skiable 2024: on the slopes

“Don’t call us heroes, we feel like normal people who do exceptional things. Everyone likes heroes, but they are distant, we want to bring them closer.” Words expressed by Salvatore Vaccaro, communication collaborator of chef Pascucci who offered the participants the dinner complete with culinary-sensory experience. The proposed opening dish was eaten in the dark, as was the dessert that concluded the evening prepared by chef Fabrizio Fiorani. Excellence in the kitchen and on the ski slopes, where the courage and enthusiasm of the participating athletes emerge, guided by instructors capable of quickly gaining the confidence necessary to face a descent. A courage that has characterized the career and character of Alex Zanardi, the BMW brand ambassador present at various editions of SciAbile. “Modern companies must restore value to society and be capable of offering answers to the main contemporary issues – the words of Roberto Olivi, Director of Communication and Institutional Relations of BMW Italy – with the corporate social responsibility project SpecialMente, and in particular with SciAbile, for over twenty years we have been offering a concrete example on how the issue of disability and inclusion can be addressed starting from the great teachings of our brand ambassador Alex Zanardi , who has been one of the promoters of the Souze d’Oulx ski school since the beginning”.
