BMW, Porsche or Subaru in the garage? This can be done on a long net in a larger size automobile

“Do we have a BMW, please?” If someone has a red light over a full lijn, they are allowed to look at stereotypes. Maar now tooont ook grootschalig onderzoek aan dat bepaalde automerken vaker betrokken zijn bij ongevallen veroorzaakt door roekeloos rijgedrag.

Good quality for drivers of a BMW, Porsche or Subaru. Onderzoekers uit het United Koninkrijk analyseerden 400,000 ongevallen op de weg en keken daarbij vooral naar situaties waarbij ‘Riskkante of aggressive maneuvers’ and role speelden. What bleek? As one of the three woods notice what was wrong, it would be nice to have a roll in the car and a Skoda of Hyundai that had been veroorzaakt.


On the ‘roekeloos rijgedrag’ understand the onderzoekers on the sea rode lichten negeren, te snel rijden, en full lijnen of zebrapaden negeren. The payment of the automarks may be affected in certain situations, so the onderzoekers are able to make marketing a role. The manufacturers of BMWs, Porsches and Subarus advertised in the ‘Prestatiegericht’ in the central state. “Kijk naar mij, koning-van-de-weg-gedrag”, is het Alan Tapp, professor of social marketing at the University of West England and head of the study.

KIJK OOK. Car driver Wil Keren, he drives the Porsche

Kip of the egg

In the Britse craneThe Guardian’ puts hij uit hoe ze dead the conclusie kwamen. “Het is het kip of het ei: neighborhoods aggressive farmers for paying cars of maken de notice het erger?” says Tapp. “We want the sommige automerken elk jaar wereldwijd honderden miljoenenenen uitgeven om hun auto’s te promoten mit beeldmateriaal dat, in sommige gevallen, subtiel a association implies tussen hun automerken en prestatiegericht rijden. We also know that the design of the summer will be noted by the best people in the area and the borders of the prestaties will be laid.”

Beeld ter illustratie. Logo 50 years M performance, BMW. © Bart Borgerhoff

That Subaru’s in TV programs as Top Gear It was presented as a car with a strong engine, which was then called “rechtstreeks uit a Playstation game lijken te komen”, reinforced the image. Volgens coauteur Dan Campsall is responsible for the bestowal of employees and auto-marks of “combined signals” over what the guards said. “Terwijl the manufacturers introduce all sorts of new technologies that want to improve security, is the best still used by men.”

De betrokken note zeggen in ‘The Guardian’ that veiligheid central staat. Ownership of a Porsche can be completed in a course following the use of the car, which can be completely controlled and used quickly. This means that the money in the United Kingdom is strict for auto advertisements. Tapp recognizes that the note is there, so the effect of marketing techniques on the road is still good.

KIJK OOK. You park a BMW on the beach… in the Wordt in Zee
