BLVD star André Dongelmans often wears heels: ‘Very nice’

André Dongelmans, known as an actor and as an expert in RTL Boulevard, often wears heels. He doesn’t do that to attract attention, he emphasizes. “I just think it’s beautiful.”

© RTL, Instagram

It has now been a few months since André Dongelman post posted on Instagram stating he was verbally assaulted in the street for wearing heels. He wore pink pumps to the premiere of a film, but not everyone understood that. “On the way home I was approached by a random passerby.”

Pink heels

André then walked alone, he wrote. “He said to me: ‘hey, what are you doing? hey! Noooo nooooo! Common! Why!!!?He was deeply disappointed in me. I am sad because I could briefly imagine that there are men who experience this every day.”

He was very disappointed, but was not put off: “Since kindergarten I have enjoyed putting on women’s clothes ALSO, at school from the dress-up box, and at home from my sister’s closet. And now that Scapino has large sizes of heels, I can do a little again 💪🏿😃.”

Good way

How does André look back on this heel incident? He tells in the Party: “It’s mainly about the fact that I really enjoy representing a group, so to speak. That hopefully a group of people will dare to do it and maybe a group of people will also think a bit about what they are shouting, because it can be harmful.”

He continues: “Look, not for me, but there are people who walk in heels every day and they hear that every day. Recently I also had the heels on (at the film premiere of Toen Ik Je Zag, ed.) and then it went well. I haven’t heard anything, so it’s going in the right direction.”

‘Not for attention’

Weekly magazine Party asks him: “What does wearing pumps bring you?”

André, who is heterosexual by the way, then: “That would be the same question as ‘what does wearing sneakers bring you’ and I don’t think you ask that question either. It brings me nothing but that I like it.”

Women’s clothes

Does André want to wear women’s clothing in addition to pumps? “No, but if I get a role that requires me to wear women’s clothes, I will. I now also walk in a performance in a kind of long dress and I really like that.

“Look at Game Of Thrones, all those guys, those knights, also wear those dresses. I love that. I also think that is a very cool style of dressing.”


André’s conscious Instagram post:
