Blunder: wrong dialect spelling shirts Maastrichts Mooiste | 1Limburg

The organization of running event Maastrichts Mooiste has made a painful mistake when designing the participants’ shirts for this year’s edition.

Inspired by the provincial capital and Rowwen Hèze, organizer Golazo Nederland launched sports shirts in the Maastricht dialect on Tuesday. The sentence Ieg ren Mestreech Sjoenste ‘shows off’ on the garments, only the spelling is wrong.

Why a g?
Chairman Carlo Schrijnemaekers of Veldeke Mestreech agrees that the text is incorrect. “It is iech ren Mestreechs Sjoenste† People are not always aware of the official spelling, but I can enter the g ieg not explain. I haven’t come across that often. This must be a new invention,” says Schrijnemaekers.

No language police
The organization that is committed to preserving the Maastricht language sees that Golazo Nederland is trying to do something for the city, but according to Schrijnemaekers, it misses the mark with this blunder. “We don’t want to stand there like a police officer with a red pen.”

A phone call from L1 to sports event company Golazo Nederland – with offices in Rotterdam, Eindhoven and Groningen – ensures that the error can be rectified in the nick of time. Although the garments were already at the printer’s, Golazo Nederland says that they can still adjust the text. Though she wasn’t aware of any harm.

“After several discussions, we were told that this was the correct spelling. But we have ieg have already been adjusted and will also do the same with Maastrichts,” said the spokeswoman. So the thousands of participants do not have to fear that they will be wearing incorrectly spelled shirts on June 12.
