Blue Bar Restaurant (Barcelona). Model to follow

  • In this old-time joint next to the old Eixample prison, it’s hard to find a place, but they assure you: “Nobody leaves here without eating”

Well, what am I going to tell you? I wrote the previous chronicle, so ‘Sabadellenca’ about the Vilarrubias Bar-Restaurant, thinking that it was going to be the last of the season; and thus leave everything in a location outside of ‘barcelocentrism’. But not. They told me that there was one left, the definitive one, the one that puts the brooch, the sealing on the envelope. The one that announces that in September we read each other again. Because, for now, these Romans are just as crazy and they let me continue giving you the babble from this little corner of the net. So let’s celebrate.

Blue Restaurant Bar

Provence, 54. Barcelona

Telephone: 653 40 94 23

Menu: €13

It will be the first delivery made hot, because I write these lines after returning from enjoying a place as great as the Blue Restaurant Bar, in the Nova Esquerra of Barcelona’s Eixample. And it is that, this time, I have shared a table and tablecloth with another of the culprits (so, with all the letters) that the temporary farewell from Bodega Montferry has been very heartfelt: the illustrious ‘santsenc’ Messidor. As, according to my notes, I had not visited the place since February 2021 and on top of that I left there amazed, this would be, ‘a priori’, what “now & rdquor; it’s called a ‘win-win’.

The Blue street of Provence (not to be confused with the one in Còrsega, another wonder of the place) is a place that faces the once flagship prison of the city, with the permission of Wad-Ras: la Modelo. A corner place where it is not easy to find a seat to taste its renowned menu but in which they tell you, verbatim, that “no one leaves here without eating.” You will not deny me that this is how the date begins well, right?

Visit on Thursday means rice and so it has been, but I must say that the Salmon Cake served to a not insignificant number of tables did not look bad. Today’s was pulling for broth, with a dense and tasty broth, for which some blame will have to be laid on the wild card of rice, the appreciated rib. Perhaps (and I mean perhaps only) on my previous visit I had a better impression of the rice, but it is not a plan to catch things with cigarette paper, well yes A crew goes to Azul every Thursday for the Thursday rice combowhom I had the pleasure of meeting, we are going to let reputation fill in the gaps one thinks one finds.

As for the second, I must say that the gaze was on the fricando It was listed on the blackboard by the kitchen, but it had flown by the time we ordered it. This, in addition to preventing you from repeating the fricassee as a pillar of my weekly diet, has led to the use of an aphorism that I practice with fervor. And it is that the calluses They are for the summer. There has been no lack of gut; or chickpeas, which did not invade the main ingredient but rather accompanied it, which is its thing. Spicy (‘ma non troppo’) and a sauce in which you can send several galleons sailing to later pick them up and continue enjoying the dish.

If I have to do free statistics, I would say that the control of the stew is something of the house, because the previous time I enjoyed like a little boy some pig feet that are not easy to forget. It will be necessary to continue expanding the sample.

egg custard to finish the play. Canonical among the menu flans of the day. With his custodian cream. It would be said that the cheesecake I would also be in the same league, but in the end I forgot to stick a spoon in my companion’s plate.

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A real joy to see a veteran joint how it holds up in an area subject to major urban and real estate changes (been and to be). Let’s rejoice that we can have this corner tower in top shape, which offers this menu for €13.

Now I would say yes, more in September. Have a good summer.
