Blows instead of love: Wembanyama has trouble with Britney Spears

Excitement about basketball super talent Victor Wembanyama: An employee of his security service is said to have hit singer Britney Spears in the face in Las Vegas. Images from surveillance cameras, however, refute the allegation made by Spears. This was announced by the police, according to “ESPN”.

What’s supposed to have happened? Wembanyama was on his way to a restaurant in Las Vegas for dinner, of course fans recognized the 2.22 m giant of the San Antonio Spurs, a crowd formed – Spears also wanted a photo with the 19-year-old Frenchman.

“I tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention,” wrote the pop singer, 1.63 m tall, on social media: “His security guards then punched me in the face in front of the crowd without himself I almost got thrown to the ground and my glasses fell off my face.” Her husband called security’s behavior “violent” and “out of control.”

Police said security guards fought off Spears’ hand, and the singer got her own hand in the face. A member of Wembanyama’s crew then apologized to Spears, and the artist’s security forces emphasized in an interview with the police that they “regret the misunderstanding”.

Wembanyama said he was unaware of the incident. He would have discussed with his security guards not to stop on the way to the restaurant. A person would have called him “Sir, sir”, this person “grabbed me from behind”, but he “couldn’t see what was happening because I was walking straight”, said Wembanyama: “I don’t know with how much force, but security pushed them away and I didn’t stop to check, so I walked on and enjoyed a nice dinner.”
