Bloomberg announced the start of exercises in the EU to counter cyber attacks – RBC

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Bloomberg: EU begins exercises to combat cyber threat

The EU countries will “rehearse” joint opposition to a cyber attack on a non-existent company from Finland. The exercise will last six weeks.

Photo: Silas Stein / dpa / Global Look

EU countries on Friday began a six-week exercise to combat cyberattacks, writes Bloomberg with reference to the documents at his disposal.

The event should determine the degree of readiness of the countries of the association for a major crisis in the cyber sphere, including in the field of monitoring and determining the source of the threat, as well as countering the attack and eliminating its consequences.

The documents note that EU countries are closely connected to each other in the digital space, so a potential hack in one country could affect others. The exercises will help countries establish cooperation to counter hacker attacks. How wrote Bloomberg earlier, the participating countries during the exercise will have to jointly organize public information and agree on a diplomatic response to a cyber attack.

For the exercises, a simulation of a cyber attack on a fictitious Finnish energy company will be organized, the agency writes.

The EU exercise began on the same day as a cyberattack on Ukrainian government websites. On the night of January 14, hackers hacked 70 portals, including the websites of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Finance and other departments. On their pages there was a call to “be afraid and expect the worst” in Ukrainian, Russian and Polish. The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) said that the content of the sites was not affected and there was no leakage of personal data.



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