Blood without fear, article by Emma Riverola

Don’t rush, girl. The time of legends and darkness is over. You will bleed, every month, because your body is capable of transforming itself in a way that science fiction has not yet treated as it should. Nor medicine, everything must be recognized. Now he is catching up, but the stigma still weighs. You will bleed and that will not make you impure. You will bleed and it will be the confirmation of the profound complexity of your body. Weaker, you say? Is there anything that requires more strength than being able to prepare your womb to gestate and give birth to a new being?

Sick leave for incapacitating rules not only normalizes what should be out of the question: pain incompatible with a normal life, but also with work. But also is an acknowledgment of the uniqueness and complexity of menstruation. We already know that this blood it’s not embarrassingNeither is the extreme pain that some women experience. If we keep it quiet for fear of discrimination, we are practicing it out of sheer cowardice and fear of reprisals. Disabling pain exists, and the labor market must recognize it. Equality does not go through standardizing without recognizing and adapting to singularities. Don’t rush, girl. You will bleed and you will not have to shut up your blood.
