Blood test PFAS: three quarters have a value higher than the European standard

Blood test PFAS: three quarters have a value higher than the European standard

PFAS is in the soil through dumping and discharges. By eating home-grown vegetables and eggs, the toxins end up in the blood. In Raversyde, near Ostend airport, 39 people had their blood tested. On average, there is 19 micrograms of PFAS per liter of blood in the body, while the standard is 6.9 micrograms.

In Kortemark, 20 local residents of the SILVAMO landfill had themselves tested. There the average is 13 micrograms of PFAS per liter of blood, again twice as high as the standard.

Increased PFAS values ​​have also been found in Kruisem, on the border with Waregem, up to 100 times higher than the standard prescribes. Of the 43 people who had their blood tested, 25 came from Waregem.

Harmful to health?

According to toxicologist and PFAS expert Jacob de Boer of the Free University of Amsterdam, even a small intake of PFAS can have an impact on your immune system. PFAS can also be carcinogenic, but you already need a large amount in the blood for that.
