‘Bloedhond van Poetin’ Kadyrov in criticism toestand volgens Oekraïne: “Hij ligt in coma” | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

The Tsjetsjeense unfortunately en ‘bloedhond van Poetin’ Ramzan Kadyrov (46) zou in kritieke toestand zijn nadat zijn gezondheid plots asternuit went. The Oekraïense inlichtingendienst (GUR) is reported to the Oekraïense nieuwssite ‘Obozrevatel’. He also had the opportunity to publish the news that Kadyrov was in a coma.

He was GUR representative Andri Joesov who aan ‘Obozrevatel’ said that the statement from Kadyrov was serious. This is because of the various sources in media and politics.

He was always speculating about the Gezondheidstoestand van Kadyrov, which he then used in the last time. © REUTERS / Telegram Rkadyrov_95

Kadyrov was able to use the equipment to open the doors, and they were able to move on to the plots again. Unfortunately, Joesov has been confirming this for a long time. “Het gaat om systemic gezondheidsproblems. The last few people are in serious trouble,” Aldus Joesov.


These people are reporting that Kadyrov is in a coma. Hij zou toar Moskou brought zijn, maar omdat ze daar niets voor hem konden doen, will hij teruggestuurd naar Tsjetsjenië. “It is now the bedoeling of the hem on the buitenland over te brengen voor treatment, warschijnlijk naar de United Arab Emirates,” he says.

KIJK: What is he on hand with Ramzan Kadyrov?

Last week, Kadyrov reported the damage to the health of his children, which caused a poisoning of the door of his life, Elchan Soelejmanov. Volgens bronnen van het doorgaans goed gelichte Russian Telegram channel ‘VChK-OGPU’ zou de arts in October last year never seen here.

Begin the year was on the picture that Kadyrov was already there, he was opgeblazen uitzag and zijn og möilijk open kon houden. Different fountains cause a lot of kidney problems and are poisonous. Publiekelijk ontkende hij dat in all tales.


Kadyrov unfortunately died in 2007 and ruled the country as a dictator. Hij is a well-pronounced testimonial from Kiev and a relevant bondage of poet in the Kremlin. In September 2022, Kadyrov went bankrupt for the use of Russian nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

KIJK. Unfortunately, the video was not made in three respects and the mother was still alive

PORTRET. The Vlaamse halalslager die voor Oekraïne went vechten, maar a spion van Poetins ‘bloedhond’ bleek (+)
