Blind archer Ruben Vanhollebeke takes bronze at World Championships

Blind archer Ruben Vanhollebeke takes bronze at World Championships

Ruben Vanhollebeke came to Pilzen to win his third world title in a row, but Australian Newbery put a stop to that in the semi-finals last Friday.

Maximum achievable

The West Fleming defeated Christos Misos 2-6 and thus took bronze at the world championship, which was the maximum achievable for our compatriot. The final of the tournament also took place today. The Italian Matteo Panariello went smoothly over the Australian Newberry and eventually won 0-6.

Next target

Ruben Vanhollebeke also has another goal: in the Netherlands he wants to extend his European title in August during the European Para Championships, a multi-sport event that links several European G-sport championships. The European Para Championsips will take place from 8 to 20 August in Rotterdam.
