Blankenberge second residence tax can rise to more than 1000 euros

Blankenberge second residence tax can rise to more than 1000 euros

The second residence tax in Blankenberge will go up. From 950 euros to 1,099 euros. This is necessary because wage costs rose by a fifth between 2017 and 2021 and then there are the indexations of 2022, it sounds.

More measures

That increase should bring the city 900,000 euros annually. Opposition party N-VA finds it unheard of that the second residents have to pay for this. Former mayor Daphné Dumery (N-VA) had promised not to increase the taxes until 2025.

Blankenberge will also increase the parking rates, which should yield 400,000 euros on an annual basis. Other measures will follow. N-VA does not consider that a good measure either. “It is important not only to attract tourists who come to Blankenberge by train,” says Dumery.
