Blanco, girlfriend Giulia deletes couple photos from Instagram: is it breakup?

La love story between Blanco (stage name of Riccardo Fabbriconi) e girlfriend Giulia Lisioli could have come to an end. The suspicion comes from a series of photos that are no longer there: those of the couple posted on Instagram. So away from social media away from the heart?

All over with the girl to which the singer had dedicated his victory in Sanremorunning to kiss her.

Blanco, via the couple photos from social networks

Kisses, hugs and tenderness that told of a strong bond. Now the social profiles of Blanco and Giulia look like those of two singles: no couple spurt, no reference to their relationship. They both erased everything.

Together for a year and a half

One of the social images of the couple deleted by Giulia (@giulia_lisioli)

The two had been together for about a year and a half. Giulia, 23, had literally stolen his heart. “I care about her», He had assured in an interview with Radio Deejay.

And those smiling and happy images said a lot about their love story. But that the relationship was in crisis, it was understood a short time ago, when during another interview with RTL 102.5, Blanco spoke of “ups and downs” in the relationship.

Mahmood and Blanco triumph in Sanremo 2022 with “Broglie”: the announcement of the victory

Mahmood and Blanco triumph in Sanremo 2022 with “Broglie”: the announcement of the victory

Visibly embarrassed by questions about love life, the boy didn’t say anything else.

Now though her latest social move could be confirmation: the relationship between the two could be over. Were they overwhelmed by his success?

