Black hair with hazelnut, blue or chocolate highlights: ideas

AND widespread opinion that i black hair “age” the face: nothing could be more wrong, indeed, judging by the number of celebs who adopt (and successfully) this color. «The credit undoubtedly goes to the hazelnut, blue and chocolate reflections, which make black brighter than in the past“, explains Antonella Monterisi, technical director of Cotril. For those who want to experiment with the new direction of black, here are some ideas.

Autumn-winter hair dye: tips for choosing the right color

Black hair, the new highlights for winter

«Generally, special facets on black hair are able to radiate flashes that they also function as a sort of contouring which softens the features” continues the expert.

For example, caramel reflections, ideal for warm skin tones, combined with black, tone down too dark tones: «Golden and luminous, they add gourmand nuances to black hair» says Antonella Monterisi. “Often highlights are placed on the sides of the face from mid-length to give natural movement.”

From left: the black hair with highlights of Kim Kardashian, Demi Moore, Jennifer Connelly

To obtain them, a is used bleaching powder thathaistylist apply freehand on the lengths. «These are products formulated to guarantee perfect adherence to the stem, and allow you to carry out all freehand lightening techniques».

Black hair with chocolate highlights

«Amber and deep, the reflections in the nuance of dark chocolate they are very trendy. Distributed throughout the hair, they make it extremely refined and sophisticated. Furthermore, they convey softness. They create a natural brightness that manages to soften the appearance of black”, continues Antonella Monterisi.

«Elegant and timeless, chocolate highlights are ideal for warm skin tones», continues the expert. «On naturally black and very dark hair, chocolate highlights are obtained using super-lighteners. They are not bleaches, but a sort of color that discolours the lengths by a maximum of 4 tones.”

Black hair with blue highlights

«Lunar and magical, i black hair with transparent blue highlights they are extremely intense and intriguing. They enrich the hair with a precious mirrored veil, extremely bright and luminous. Above all, they value cold and rosy complexions», explains Antonella Monterisi.

The characteristic of black hair with contemporary blue highlights is that they do not create color gaps. «They make the hair look good completely free of facets that turn redAnd to obtain it it is essential to rely on an expert colorist hairdresserthe only one capable of artfully mixing the right quantities of black and blue pigment.”

The maintenance of highlighted black hair

The pigments that give highlights to black hair tend to quickly lose intensity, and to keep them always fresh and shiny it is important to dedicate targeted care to your hair. Their main enemies are the reddish facets. “I am There are several factors that bring out red hair. Among these, environmental factors stand out, such as UV rays or swimming pool chlorine, and the use of stylers at high temperatures”, explains Antonella Monterisi.

«In addition to theuse of shampoos and masks with purple or blue pigments which neutralize it, it is also necessary to protect the stem by always using a heat protectant”. This product effectively performs its shielding function if used correctly. «It should be applied in small doses both after cleansing, on towel-dried hair, and after styling to create a real protective film».

