Black Cat Day: origins and what is celebrated on August 17th

Everything you need to know about the anniversary: ​​from its origins to popular beliefs related to black-coated felines

Mariangela Masiello

Today, Thursday 17 August 2023, is the Black Cat Valuation Dayin English Black Cat Appreciation Day with the aim of promoting initiatives in defense of black-coated cats, as well as raising awareness of lower adoption rates.

because it is celebrated on August 17th

The Black Cat Appreciation Daywhich occurs on August 17 of each year, was first established in 2011 by Wayne H. Morris, a New York artist who wanted to commemorate his sister and her black cat, Sinbad, who both died that same year. Morris’s intent was to debunk the myths and beliefs about black catsbecause when his sister had brought the little one Sinbad at home for the first time, the father had shown annoyance, because believed that black cats brought bad luck.

black cat day

There Black Cat Valuation DayHowever, it should not be confused with Black Cat Daywhich in Italy instead it is celebrated on November 17th every year, while February 17, also in Italy, is cat day. A date that has not been chosen at random, but has been selected for his own symbolic meanings: November was chosen as the saddest month of the year, while the 17th was chosen because this number has always been linked, in the collective imagination, to bad luck.

superstition and popular beliefs

The origins of the myths and beliefs related to black cats date back to the Middle Ages: the legend that unites the black cat with witchcraft and the devil was born because, at night, it was common for horses to get frightened because of the yellow eyes of the felines which, precisely for this reason, were often run away and chased away in a bad way. In the long run, however, the usefulness of cats in hunting mice (which at the time constituted a serious threat to human health), managed to get the better of superstition and popular beliefs.

beliefs in other countries

Around the world there are several beliefs regarding black cats: in Swedenfor example, the black cat brings bad luck only if, while going fishing, the feline crosses the road. According to popular belief, therefore, the safest method to avoid returning home empty-handed is spit three times behind the left shoulder. In Germanyhowever, the black cat brings bad luck only if he crosses the street from left to right. Conversely, if it crosses from right to left, it brings good luck. In England the black-coated feline it brings bad luck when it walks towards someoneon the contrary, if he moves away, no.
