BK in Izegem: ‘We are looking forward to it’

BK in Izegem: ‘We are looking forward to it’

The construction on the Market of Izegem is already in full swing today. The riders will soon be introduced here, and the race also passes here. The hospitality industry is prepared for anything. Ludo Segaert, Oud Iseghem: “We have the start, four passages, the women also twice. We are looking forward to it. It will not be due to the weather, and the people will come anyway.”

The BK runs over the entire territory of Izegem. Everywhere there is a VIP tent somewhere. In Emelgem and Kachtem, the associations join forces for the longest bar. The handball club would also like to get a piece of the pie. Ruben Depoortere-HBC Izegem: “It is very difficult to estimate. We are very satisfied with the weather forecasts. We have to wait and see. We do not know at all how accessible we will be. There is a lot to do, it is guesswork how many people there will come.”

In total there are forty associations that organize something on Sunday. Of course they also hope for a mass of people. To ensure that everything runs smoothly, it is best to check the website. Bert Maertens, mayor: “If you arrive in Izegem by car, everything is well signposted. But please come by train if you come from far away. If you come closer, do it on foot or by bike. You can do it Crossing the entire course, that’s no problem at all.”
