Björk shares details on new album

Icelandic musician Björk has announced new details about her upcoming album FOSSORA. As she wrote on Instagram, the album is about landing on earth. It contrasts with the previous album UTOPIA, which was inspired by the element of air.

“Every album starts with a feeling that I start to mold into sound,” wrote Björk. “This time the feeling was like landing on earth and digging my feet into the ground.” The artist also explained the title FOSSORA: “I came up with the word myself. It’s the female form [vom lateinischen Wort] fossore (digger, digger, digger). So in short it means: ‘She who digs (in the ground)’.”

This also includes the experience of the corona pandemic: “It was also woven into the way I experienced the ‘now’. This time, seven billion of us did it at once, nesting in our homes during quarantine. In one place long enough to take root.”

On August 25, Björk had already shared the album title and artwork. Again Guardians reported, two songs are about Björk’s mother, Hildur Rúna Hauksdóttir, who died in 2018. Her son Sindri and daughter Doa can also be heard on the album. The first single “Atopos” should be released soon.
