Bizarre image from Rotterdam: a dot in the sky turns out to be a tightrope walker between two towers | Inland

Amazement everywhere in Rotterdam Monday evening. A line had been stretched at a great height between the Zalmhaventoren and De Rotterdam, across the Nieuwe Maas. Not much later, the astonishment increased when a small speck was visible. It turned out to be a tightrope walker moving slowly from one side of the river to the other.

“Wooooow. On a cable someone moves in slow motion from the Zalmhaventoren to De Rotterdam. No idea who it is or what is going on but what a breathtaking sight this is.” Peter van Heemst was one of the Rotterdammers who looked up on Monday evening and shared his surprise on Twitter about the stunt that took place above the sky of Rotterdam.

And not only Van Heemst, Paul Herrebrugh also saw something remarkable around 9.15 pm tonight from his girlfriend’s house on Karel Doormanstraat. ,,My girlfriend suddenly saw the line hanging. Moments later we saw a black dot appear that seemed to move slowly. A very strange phenomenon!”

The dot turned out to be a stuntman. The famous tightrope walker Jaan Roose will walk for Red Bull on a cable from De Rotterdam to the Zalmhaventoren on Tuesday. The residents of De Rotterdam have been informed that the stunt will take place on Tuesday between 11 am and 3 pm. The cable was already installed on Monday and will be removed on Wednesday. Roose already did a test run on Monday evening.

About a rope that is stretched between De Rotterdam and the Zalmhaventoren. © © Paul Herrebrugh
