Bitter Earth, previews of tonight’s episode 17 December

Per Bitter earth The end of the third season is approaching. A chapter that has seen continuous upheavals, but which opens up to new dynamics and also new characters. The episode airs at 9.20pm on Channel 5 partially anticipates what will bebut to fully understand what will happen we need to wait a few more episodes.

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From The Crown 6 to Berlin: 10 series not to be missed in December

Bitter earththe previews of tonight’s episode

The new appointment with the Turkish soap opera set in the fictional town of Çukurova presents new twists. At the end of the last episode, the police station commander informs his colleagues that Demir Yaman (Murat Ünalmis) has picked up Sevda (Nazan Kesal) at the moment when the woman was about to make a statement.

Now, suspicious of the behavior, he goes to Villa Yaman and asks to meet her. Obviously Demir makes up an excuse and tells him that she has left for Istanbul. While in, Saniye (Selin Yeninci) and Gaffur (Bülent Polat) notice that Cumali is increasingly tied to Üzüm (Neva Pekuz). And, knowing that he is the real father of the little girl, they begin to fear losing her.

Demir also has another problem to untangle. Wife Züleyha (Hilal Altinbek) discovers that Cetin (Aras Senol) has been arrested and asks him to visit him in prison, as well as do something to help him.

“Bitter land”, Kerem Alisik is Ali Rahmet Fekeli (Photo Mediaset)

Fikret confesses to the murder of Erkan Gumusoglu

Fikret Fekeli (Furkan Palali), in turn, is going through a critical moment. His wife Müjgan (Melike Ipek Yalova) died in a plane crash and her disappearance leads him to bury the hatchet against Demir. So she meets him and they put an end to their disagreements. Demir takes the opportunity to tell him that Cetin is in prison accused of having run over and killed Erkan Gumusoglu. He doesn’t know that the perpetrator of the crime is Fikret himself and that Cetin turned himself in to save him.

Fikret then finally reaches an economic agreement with Mujdat’s lawyer, or Müjgan’s brother, for the custody of Kerem Ali, the son his wife had with Yilmaz (Ugur Günes). Fikret himself will take care of it. Finally, he makes a noble gesture: decides to confess to Gumusoglu’s murder and is arrested.

It doesn’t end here, because the episode of Bitter earth it becomes even more compelling. Ümit (Hande Soral) breaks into Villa Yaman with a specific request, which will create quite a few problems. She blackmails Demir: if he doesn’t host her at his house until the baby is born, he will tell the police that he killed Sevda. The man can’t help but succumb to her threat, but Züleyha has no intention of sharing the same roof with her husband’s ex-lover. And so away we go.

Bitter earthÜmit moves to Demir and Betül takes control of Yaman

Ümit pursues his revenge, packs his bags and moves to Demir’s house. As if that wasn’t enough, she forces him to commit to recognizing and providing for the child who is about to be born, making him sign a declaration. They come into play Betül (Ilayda Cevik) and Sermin (Sibel Tascioglu). Mother and daughter they offer to host Ümit, but the intent is anything but supportive. In fact, what is moving is not a strong spirit of solidarity towards Züleyha, but their real intentions will only be discovered after some time.

“Bitter land”, Hilal Altinbek is Züleyha. (Mediaset)

Once Ümit is settled, Demir warns the men who take care of the villa’s security: they must never allow the woman to sneak into the house. After that he goes to the company together with Betül. Here he calls an urgent meeting with all the employees of Yaman Holding.

It takes everyone by surprise, communicating that he will be less present in the company because he needs to spend more time with his family. Betül will take his place. At this point, the woman’s plan is almost complete. After gaining the trust of Züleyha, who let her join her holding company, she also obtained that of Demir. At this point, all that remains for her is to take over her assets, while the Yaman couple have no idea of ​​the trouble they have gotten themselves into.

