Bitcoin shock forecast 😱 would not bode well for investors! Really good crypto news comes from these coins!

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Bitcoin shock forecast

In the past 12 months, Bitcoin investors have enjoyed around 30% gains. The BTC is currently trading at EUR 24,200.58 and is therefore far from the magical 30,000 mark. Not to mention its last all-time high on November 10, 2021 at EUR 63,723.68. If you want to rate Bitcoin positively, then the price chart gives you enough opportunities to do so. However, the Bitcoin shock forecast is dedicated to the current situation and goes back a maximum of a few weeks or a few months.

  • Will BTC fall below EUR 20,000 again?
  • It last went below that level on March 12
  • 15,404.05 EUR cost 1 BTC on November 21, 2022
  • Deutschlandfunk predicts the end of Bitcoin for 2022
  • The Bitcoin price could continue to move down

Bitcoin price moving down?

While supporters of the number 1 cryptocurrency cheer upwards at the smallest positive price movement and predict the next bull run, skeptics and critics of Bitcoin are convinced that its price will initially move them further into the red before it can even go uphill again.

The year 2023 has so far been marked by some slight gains in Bitcoin and other altcoins. But also from the big sell-off of the leading digital currency. SpaceX, Elon Musk’s space company, parted with all of its Bitcoin in the depot in one fell swoop. The news spread like wildfire and has not been commented on by the company to date.

But quite a few experts in the industry see this as a final departure from Bitcoin, after all Musk is considered a crypto-friendly celebrity. Why he sold his bitcoin is unclear. The space company SpaceX should not have been lacking in liquidity. Rather, analysts see the sale as proof that the Bitcoin price should continue to go down and that SpaceX only wanted to protect itself from losses.

So far, the course has been reminiscent of a wild roller coaster ride

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin were and are known for their high volatility. Prices tend to jump up and down at large intervals over a short period of time. Anyone who does not hire out their time as a day trader has little joy with a classic investment in Bitcoin these days, i.e. profit.

On the other hand, anyone who wants to invest in the cheap market now is faced with an above-average risk, because the prices have remained in a sideways movement for a long time and are now tending to rise.

Non-professional Bitcoin forecasts are controversial among many market participants. Admittedly, the range in which the possible BTC price should move in the future is too large. From a total loss, the disappearance of the cryptocurrency and fantastic results beyond 500,000 EUR, everything is included. Anyone who believes in Bitcoin and its continued existence will find that the forecasts are so promising that one could well take the higher risk that naturally exists.

Bitcoin investors need strong nerves

The possible end of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general has often been discussed. Deutschlandfunk even reported in January 20218 that the end could be as early as 2022. As we know, this did not happen.

According to a study by Citigroup, Bitcoin will collapse no later than 2022. Because then a Bitcoin would have to cost between 300,000 dollars and 1.5 million dollars to cover the electricity costs. Technologically, bitcoin is already a thing of the past. A bitcoin transaction takes ten minutes and costs $20. While the long-term outlook for Bitcoin is bleak, the prospects for the blockchain technological idea behind it are rosy. Source: DeutschlandfunkJanuary 03, 2018.

The Süddeutsche Zeitung also predicted that crypto prices would collapse and, as early as August 2022, questioned their raison d’être as a whole.

Digital currencies should be the last bastion when the financial markets go bad again. But the current crisis shows that they have never been – and never will be. Source: Southgerman newspaperAugust 11, 2022.

Bitcoin is a child of the financial crisis. Investors have to read this and similar sentences more often these days. One can also currently speak of a crisis that led to a recession, led by higher interest rates and persistently high inflation. The events of the last few years have left their mark worldwide. Even if there is no financial crisis like the one in 2008, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are often used as a positive or negative reason for the current crisis.

Bitcoin breakout imminent?

That may be one of the many reasons that have led to the crypto courses being the way they are at the moment. They generally move little or not at all, but tend to lose value and give investors gray hair. Anyone who continues to believe in the continued existence of digital currencies needs strong nerves to cope with the tense situation on the markets.

Why bitcoin is not dead!

According to opponents of the classic financial system, the credit money that our banks create regularly leads to over-indebtedness and ultimately to a debt bubble. The fact that this bubble can burst massively is shown again and again by the annual quarrels in the USA over an increase in the budget.

Bitcoin is a child of the financial crisis and actually wanted to prevent the classic monetary system from being dominated by the two deficits, the long and the expensive transactions.

It is clear that everything is possible for Bitcoin: from a landslide crash to a spectacular recovery. Many analysts see a new low coming, further losses are likely. But the key crypto currency could also unexpectedly head for a new all-time high or at least compensate for all investor losses in the medium term.

Also Wall Street memes is a digital asset from the field of cryptocurrencies. With funny, ironic or sarcastic memes, the platform is dedicated to the global financial markets, the best-known investors and one or the other financial mistake. Wall Street Memes are still available for a few days in advance. Then the native utility token goes, which currently costs only $0.0337to the Exchanges and to public trading.

Investors can still use the preferential prices for the $WSM token for 30 days to invest in an innovative and extremely successful meme project. The Wall Street Memes community has over 1.1 million followers and is growing every day. The high reach that is achieved with the memes is one of the pillars of the innovative business model, which recently also crypto staking introduced.

Bullish factors for the crypto market and Bitcoin in particular are clearly the approval applications for currently 16 Bitcoin ETFs in the USA. In addition, the Bitcoin halving expected for April 2024, in which the miners’ reward will be halved again. The asset is therefore becoming rarer and therefore potentially more valuable from year to year.

Direct trading without a middleman, the so-called peer-2-peer trading, is still the focus of supporters. Cryptocurrencies have enormous potential and have already changed the financial world in numerous cases in the past. Despite weak prices, this potential has not disappeared. The Bitcoin forecast for 2023 assumes that the year 2023 will continue to stand for calm waters on the markets.

Conclusion: The low prices could be an ideal opportunity to upgrade the portfolio, diversify or buy more Bitcoin. Anyone who is convinced of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will certainly use the current phase of low prices to replenish their Bitcoin holdings. Wall Street memes could also enrich the portfolio of crypto investors.

The native meme coin is well suited, for example, to make the depot more robust or to compensate for losses caused by the low altcoin prices. Wall Street Memes also offer a way to build passive income through crypto staking.

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About the author: Stefanie Herrnberger works as a freelance speaker and editor. Her many years of professional experience in the areas of blockchain, cryptocurrencies and NFTs offer her the perfect background to report on current news and developments in decentralized and central financial markets. Stefanie has been investing in cryptocurrencies for several years. She understands the challenges and opportunities for crypto traders. Publications:
