Bitcoin Robot experiences – how crypto robots work and how investors benefit

Signs of Scam and Fraud

Are there any serious offers or are Bitcoin Robots a scam? In our Bitcoin Robot test, we could not identify a recommendable provider. Almost all platforms that offer automatic trading with cryptocurrencies attracted our attention in several respects. Also look out for the following warning signs:

Exaggerated profit promises: Ignore offers with strikingly high success rates and promises of returns.

Site operator: Check whether the provider’s platform has an imprint. Is it possible to identify who is responsible for the offer?

lack of transparency: Do you understand the Bitcoin Robot business model? If you should only receive more information after contacting us or registering, then it’s better to keep your hands off it.

Seat abroad: Never invest your capital if the provider is based abroad. If the worst comes to the worst, this can make it even more difficult for you to recover lost money or enforce rights.

Recruit clients: You should ignore requests from the provider to recruit new customers. This is especially true if you are promised high commissions or discounts. The consumer advice center suspects a forbidden pyramid scheme behind some dubious offers.

Unsolicited contact: If you are contacted by providers (e.g. by e-mail) even though you have not previously been interested in Bitcoin, Ethereum and Co., you should be careful.
