BIT Capital expands offering with crypto funds

BIT Capital expands offering with new crypto funds

Berlin/Hong Kong, October 21, 2021 BIT Capital launches two new funds focused on Crypto currencies and listed companies that can benefit from Crypto technologies. The Berlin fund company, which is one of the most successful technology investors worldwide, is thus giving investors in Germany access to this market segment for the first time.

the BIT Global Crypto Leaders (WKN: A3CNGM) fund is invested in approximately 35 companies, selected coins and crypto assets. In accordance with the regulatory requirements for UCITS funds, crypto assets make up a maximum of 10 percent of the portfolio. “Our team is constantly looking for crypto assets and companies that have successfully completed their start-up phase and are already attracting millions of users worldwide. We are focused on selecting the next winners,” says Jan Beckers, CIO and founder of BIT Capital.

the BIT Crypto Opportunities (WKN: A3CNGP) fund is reserved for semi- and professional investors. The share of crypto assets in the actively managed portfolio can be up to 85 percent. Bitcoin and Ethereum should not exceed the threshold of 40 percent of the total portfolio value. Other crypto assets will be capped at 20 percent. In addition, liquidity ratios and market risk limits will contribute to extended risk management.

Jan Beckers says: “There are more than 8,000 crypto assets worldwide. Only 1 percent of these will be successful in the long run. However, these can then achieve enormous increases in value. With our investment approach, we enable investors to invest in the growth phase of the most exciting and already proven assets.” The new funds offer additional security, for example investors do not have to keep the crypto assets in external wallets as usual.

Ha Duong, portfolio manager of the new crypto funds, explains: “Crypto technologies have long been the most exciting future industry for me, which is why I have been dealing with them intensively since 2016. This year, DeFi (Decentralized Finance) and NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens) have proven that the first use cases are now ripe for the mass market. Our team has the necessary experience – we have been investing in crypto assets professionally since 2015 – to identify these megatrends at an early stage.”

The crypto funds are a logical further development of BIT Capital’s product portfolio. This was recently expanded by the BIT Global Fintech Leaders: “BIT Capital invests in areas in which our experience and the specialized industry knowledge of the team provide a competitive advantage,” says Ha Duong.

With digital expertise, extensive research and investments in its own technology infrastructure, the BIT Capital team has so far successfully identified global tech winners. The first fund from BIT Capital, Global Internet Leaders (WKN: A2DTZ3), since its launch in May 2018 through the end of the third quarter of 2021, has had a net return of more than 700 percent. An investment of 10,000 euros at the start of the fund had grown to over 80,000 euros by the end of September 2021. The one launched in May 2021 BIT Global Fintech Leaders (WKN: A2QJLA) fund currently manages over 74 million euros after a successful start.

press contact
Lukas Jaworski I [email protected] I +49 176 326 352 99 I
