Bird nests brutally disrupted by mowers during breeding season

Zaandam ecologist David Sluis is angry with the municipality of Zaanstad, which has brutally disturbed bird nests in the nature reserve at the Fortuinveld. Because the municipality has ordered mowing while the breeding season is in full swing. A spokesperson for the municipality speaks of an error of judgment and that mowing has now stopped. But according to Sluis, the damage has already been done and dozens of nests have been destroyed.

Sluis shows a nest of six goose eggs and measures the temperature. “Nine degrees Celsius, that’s the outside temperature now, so that means they’re dead. And there are dozens of nests.” More than a week ago he saw by chance that mowing was taking place in the nature reserve near the Fortuinveld. “By the Noord-Holland Landscape on behalf of the municipality of Zaanstad. Unbelievable. You don’t mow when birds are breeding!”

He inquired with the municipality and the environmental service and the latter reported that it was indeed not right to mow. According to the municipality, mowing is necessary to be able to take samples of the soil for the future management of the nature reserve.

arctic vole

But the mowing has not only disturbed the peace of the nesting birds. According to Sluis, the biotope of the protected Arctic vole has also been affected. He estimates that there are many hundreds, given the traces he finds.

“Suppose I’m a Northern vole and I have a nest here and suddenly a brushcutter is coming. Then you’re just … I don’t need to explain that.” According to the ecologist you are only allowed to mow in the month of October. “Because then you do the least damage.” The municipality has now decided, in consultation with the environmental service, not to mow until further notice.
