Bird flu plagues more and more West Flemish companies

Bird flu plagues more and more West Flemish companies

Bird flu was diagnosed in Pervijze in a trade in farm animals. All poultry there have been culled as a precaution. “It keeps you busy all the time. Especially when you see the impact on companies that are being culled. That is a disaster for those people,” says Hendrik David van ‘t Kakelend Kippenmuseum. “When they suddenly come to clear everything, we are left with an assortment of chickens and other animals, of which you say, well where do you have to find them? And in doing so, you must have the strength and financial resources to start it up again. It certainly keeps us awake.”

Avian flu keeps cropping up again and again, but has now been detected earlier than previous years. The owner must therefore prevent wild birds, which transmit the virus, from coming into contact with the animals in the park.

The mandatory clean-up in the event of contamination is a drastic measure that should prevent our export, for example of eggs, from being jeopardized.
