Bird flu on farm in Wildervank. NVWA clears 27,000 laying hens

Bird flu has been diagnosed at a poultry farm in Wildervank. 27,000 laying hens live on the farm. They are all culled.. This is reported by the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA).

There is 1 poultry farm within a kilometer of the infected farm and 7 other poultry farms in the 3-kilometre zone, 6 of which currently have no animals in the barn. All companies in the 1 and 3 kilometer zone are screened by the NVWA for bird flu.

There are 27 other poultry farms in the 10-kilometre zone around the infected farm. Due to previous infections in this region, a transport ban already applies in this area.

Bird flu was also diagnosed on Wednesday at a company in Wildervank. At that time, nearly 15,000 chickens and 3,600 laying hens were culled.

Bird flu epidemic

The current bird flu epidemic is the worst ever seen in Europe, the European health service ECDC reported Monday. The highly pathogenic strain of the virus has spread across 37 European countries, from Spitsbergen in Norway to Ukraine.
