Bird flu in Den Bosch: ‘Don’t let your dog swim in the water’

Several birds in Den Bosch have recently been infected with bird flu. The municipality therefore warns: stay away from infected or dead animals, do not touch them and warn the Animal Ambulance.

Bird flu is highly contagious and dangerous to poultry (chickens, ducks and turkeys) and wild waterfowl such as Canada geese, ducks and coots. Infected animals become ill a few hours after infection and often die.

The chance that people will become infected with bird flu is very small, according to the municipality. In addition, bird flu is usually not dangerous for humans. People who get sick from it often only have mild complaints.

Dogs and cats are sensitive to bird flu. Pet owners should therefore ensure that their dog or cat does not come into contact with the infected birds. Do not let your dog swim in the water, the municipality warns.

Chicken coop
People who keep chickens or other hobby birds can also take measures. “Do not let the birds roam freely and ensure that the loft or run is well fenced,” advises the municipality.

It is unclear how many infections there are, in which area and when. No one was able to comment on Monday at the Animal Ambulance.

Since October 26, a national obligation for poultry farmers and a national protection obligation for hobby keepers has been in effect.
