Bird flu detected on a small-scale farm in Scharnegoutum | news item

News item | 25-02-2022 | 10:01

In Scharnegoutum (province of Friesland) bird flu was diagnosed on a small-scale farm with various waterfowl. It is probably a highly pathogenic variant. To prevent the virus from spreading, the approximately 90 waterfowl on the farm are culled by the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA).

There are no other poultry farms in the 1 kilometer zone and in the 3 kilometer zone around the infected farm. There are three poultry farms in the 10-kilometre zone for which the transport ban applies immediately.

Transport ban

A transport ban applies to all birds and hatching and table eggs from a location with birds. The ban also applies to bird manure and used litter, and to other animals and animal products from poultry farms. In addition, additional rules apply to hunting, for example in this area it is forbidden to hunt ducks or to hunt in areas where this could disturb waterfowl.

National measures

National measures still apply, such as a ban on visiting bird roosts of risk birds, unless absolutely necessary. Birds at risk include kept gallinaceous birds (such as chickens), waterfowl and ratites.

The national confinement and screening obligation is also still in full force. The house keeping obligation applies to commercially kept birds, these are brought indoors (except pheasants and ratites). For non-commercially kept high-risk birds (fowls/chickens, (ornamental) waterfowl and ratites), for example in zoos, petting zoos and owners of birds and chickens, and for commercially kept pheasants, ornamental waterfowl and ratites, a shielding obligation applies. on the website of the NVWA you can find more information about how this can best be done. A ban has also been imposed on the display of poultry, waterfowl and ratites.

Tracking Investigation

In the context of the contamination at the Scharnegoutum location, a tracing investigation is being carried out into high-risk contacts, as is usual. If necessary, additional measures will be taken in response to the results of the investigation. Any additional measures will be reported in an update in this press release and via the online channels of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality.
