Bird flu at poultry farm Bentelo, 120,000 chickens culled | Inland

To prevent the virus from spreading, all 120,000 laying hens are culled at this company. As a precaution, the 69,000 chickens at the neighboring company of the same owner are also culled. Two other poultry farms in the immediate vicinity have no direct contact with the infected farm. These are blocked and intensively monitored.

Four poultry farms are located in an area of ​​3 kilometers around the infected farm, which are being sampled for bird flu. A transport ban has been imposed in the 10 kilometer zone around the company. There are 32 other poultry farms in this area.

Highly pathogenic bird flu leads to serious illness and death in birds. So-called low pathogenic bird flu has a milder disease course in poultry and is less contagious. According to European rules, it is not mandatory to fight the disease with this variant.


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