Bird flu again in Lunteren; 90,000 laying hens killed | Inland

There are 32 other poultry farms within a radius of 3 kilometers from the current company. They will be closely monitored over the next two weeks to ensure that there are no signs that may indicate bird flu. This has already happened at a number of companies because of previous cases of contamination at other companies.

Bird flu has been in our country for months. Since October last year, therefore, there has been an obligation to keep birds at commercial poultry farmers. Minister Henk Staghouwer of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality said last week that the new outbreak of bird flu in the Netherlands is reason to reconsider the poultry density of the Gelderse Vallei.

The Gelderse Vallei is the poultry region of the Netherlands. The area is by far the hardest hit. Companies in Lunteren in particular have to suffer. With seven infections in two weeks and the culling of hundreds of thousands of chickens and ducks, the damage is extensive in the outer areas of the village.
