Biodecoder Treatment for Breast Cancer – Brand

October was Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so I want to share holistic treatment with you.

Breast cancer affects both men and women.

Some of the symptoms of breast cancer are lumps in the breast, blood discharge from the nipple, and changes in the shape or texture of the nipple or breast.

Treatment depends on the stage of the cancer. It may consist of chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery.

Now, when we want to complete the treatment holistically we can biodecode the symptom. The biodecoding of diseases is based on the search for the emotions behind the disease.

This disease is related to conflict of protection and devaluation. If a person is right-handed, the left breast is related to children, whether real or symbolic (symbolic can be material things such as a business, a pet or a car, something that the person interprets that they should take care of). On the other hand, the right breast talks about mistreatment and spaces of negative communication; It is related to what is expected of me, to the support and containment that I give in my home.

Keep in mind that in left-handed people the above rotates: right breast to left breast and vice versa.

I want to clarify that this interpretation does not vary depending on the breast pathology, it means that if you have a cyst or fibroma the emotion is the same but of a lesser magnitude.

The main task of the therapist in biodecoding is to help reprogram the emotional brain so that it adapts to the present instead of continuing to react to situations from the past. To do this we have to forget about using approaches where reason and language are the protagonists, because these are very poorly permeable. We must use methods that take us to the body and its biological reactions, and determine the direct influence on the emotional brain.

Changing the way teaches us to listen to our body. A biological listening, not a psychological one. It is the search for the biological codes behind every symptom and the emotional understanding that activates them, so that in this way new symbols can be decoded and activated, thanks to the change in perspective that the patient obtains in this search. It teaches us to accompany our patient to this place that he does not want to go, the unconscious, this dark place that Carl G. Jung called the shadow.

If you want to make a consultation or if you even want to complete it with orthomolecular medicine, do not hesitate to contact me and make an appointment



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