Binge Watching: meaning, what it is, how to get out of it. The expert speaks

That for TV series can turn into a real obsession. Doctor Maddalena explains how to ensure that their vision remains just a pleasant hobby

Roberto De Filippis

Although North American studies have begun to analyze the binge watching First, it was with the “outbreak” of the Covid 19 pandemic that this phenomenon assumed considerable proportions. This expression indicates the habit of one compulsive vision of TV series, programs and films. What fueled it was the spread of streaming platforms, whose offer is always available, not tied to timetables and often designed in such a way as to favor real marathons in front of the screen.

Binge Watching: what it is and who it affects

Those who are most at risk of binge watching are those who are more familiar with new technologies, such as adolescents, children and young adults. Those who suffer from it find themselves spending an excessive number of hours watching especially TV series, isolating themselves and immersing themselves in the vision to the point of losing the sense of time. Binge watching is a behavioral addiction which falls within the new forms of addiction without the use of substances. Like those from smartphones or the internet, if the threshold of impairment of functioning in the social, work or other important areas is not exceeded, it is socially accepted.

Because you can develop an addiction to films and TV series

“As in other addictions, in the presence of the stimulus (in this case the TV series or film, ed) the brain releases dopamine in large quantities. This neurotransmitter promotes excitement and a feeling of pleasure and well-being, as it stimulates specific neuronal circuits. If this habit takes root, patterns are formed that are difficult to change, which lead to the continuous search for stimulus, i.e. watching the TV series, to feel gratified” observes the Doctor Chiara Maddalenaclinical psychologist and psychotherapist expert in psycho-oncology at the Santa Maria Hospital in Bari. As with substance addictions, the effect is dose-dependent and, to continue to experience the same pleasure, the number of hours spent in front of the screen must be increased over time.

consequences of binge watching

Binge watching has negative repercussions on health and interpersonal relationships, as well as on study and work. By compulsively watching series and programs, adolescents isolate themselves, but parents tend to realize the problem only when academic performance drops. This dependence is frequently combined with anxiety, depression and sleep disorders; furthermore, it can have physical repercussions, as the sedentary lifestyle associated with it favors overweight, heart disease, musculoskeletal diseases and respiratory problems. “Patients often use TV series to escape from one unpleasant reality. Therefore, they do not suffer from the isolation fueled by binge watching. Indeed, they look for it as if it were a ‘lifeboat’ capable of transporting them elsewhere, away from their problems, without realizing that the elsewhere in which they take refuge rather than solving their problems aggravates them” underlines Dr. Maddalena. As in other addictions, those who suffer from it are unlikely to be aware of the situation, which is why he doesn’t work to improve it. However, nearby people may notice mood changesattitude of closure towards others, weight gain and a decline in academic or professional results.

Binge watching: how to get out of it

Those who are most at risk of binge watching are adolescents, whose nervous system has not completed the development process. In particular, the areas of the brain responsible for control are not yet fully mature, which are precisely those that give the sense of limit. To prevent a child from developing this addiction, it is first of all essential that parents give the right good example. Furthermore, mothers and fathers should also place time limits on the use of tools such as smartphones, tablets, PCs and televisions, also encouraging other activities, such as reading, exercise and meeting friends. It should also be kept in mind that watching TV series with the lights on instead of in the dark helps you not to lose the sense of time. Furthermore, sharing the vision in person helps to avoid isolation. “Having the entire TV series available right away kills desire, which is instead fueled by waiting. The digital revolution entails greater responsibilities in the capacity both to choose and to self-limit” concludes Dr. Maddalena.
