Billie Eilish in Berlin: photos, videos, set list

The only 20-year-old Billie Eilish has already had a meteoric career. First hit song “Ocean Eyes” at 14, international breakthrough came two years later with the album “When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?”, and at 17 she sang “No Time To Die” for the last one Bond film. When Billie Eilish performs, the halls are full. It was no different in the Mercedes-Benz Arena in Berlin.

A maximum of around 17,000 people fit into the Mercedes-Benz Arena. The concert was sold out in no time.

Some were also willing to camp for their idol.

The name of the tour “Happier Than Ever” was program.

A bass that almost shreds your ears. The concert started with the song “Bury A Friend” from the debut album “When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?”

Also old songs like “Bellyache” and “Ocean Eyes” should not be missing.
