Billie Eilish comes out ‘I thought it was obvious’ | I Woman

Llast November 13th Billie Eilish was a guest on the cover of Variety. On that occasion, the record-breaking artist spoke for the first time his attraction to women.

Billie Eilish, a fan feels sick during the concert and she stops the show

Billie Eilish: coming out on the cover of Variety

The star symbol of gen Z had explained to Variety. «I never had the feeling of being understood by girls. I love them so much. I love them as people. I’m attracted to them as people. I’m seriously attracted to it».

It’s still. “I have deep connections with the women in my life, with the friends in my life, with the family in my life. I’m physically attracted to them. But I’m also intimidated by these women, their beauty, and their presence». All these statements had also attracted some accusations of queer baiting. This term refers to acts aimed at attracting an audience queer to obtain consensus. But according to what Billie Eilish communicated, gay it is not a term to be pasted to get more support but something that lives and that has decided to share.

Billie Eilish on December 3, 2023 in Los Angeles for the Academy Museum Gala. Credit: Kevin Winter/WireImage

Billie Eilish: «I’ve never felt like a woman»

In the same interview, then, the singer had explained that as a teenager she had not appreciated at all the interest of many in her love life. «I didn’t want people to have access to my body, even just by sight. I wasn’t strong enough to show it. If I had done this at the time I would have been devastated by people’s comments. I’ve never felt like a woman, to be honest».

He had in fact continued. «I have never felt desirable, feminine. I have to convince myself that I’m a nice girl».

“Why can’t we just exist?”

Billie Eilish, engaged to Jesse Rutherford until last May, has returned to talk about these statements of hers to the microphones of Variety. But this time during a red carpet.

In fact, the artist of. was interviewed at the Variety Hitmakers event Lovely has explained. «I didn’t want to come out or even make a big announcement. I thought it was obvious and that people already knew. I’ve always lived it calmly, even before talking about it, I’ve never had any problems… I’m honest.”

And he added. «In that interview I talked about it in a very spontaneous and natural wayassuming that those who follow me already knew everything. I ask myself, “Why can’t we just exist?”».

