Bill Kaulitz makes absurd diaper confession

Bill Kaulitz proves once again that he doesn’t mince his words when it comes to sharing personal events. This is how it happened on Kurt Krömer’s podcast that the Tokio Hotel singer made a bizarre confession.

Kaulitz and Krömer were actually talking about pets that do their business in the apartment. For Bill, however, this seemed to be a good segue into the next topic, because he suddenly shares, “I had a diaper on the other day because I was at the dentist.”

But the 34-year-old didn’t stop at the shocking confession and explained the background. In the USA, general anesthesia at the dentist is possible if a patient is particularly anxious or sensitive to pain – even during a teeth cleaning. The former was also the reason why Kaulitz had himself “beamed away” during his last teeth cleaning.

“It can happen that you feel relieved,” he explains. For this reason, general anesthesia at the dentist in the USA is always accompanied by wearing a diaper.

But even after his twin brother Tom picked him up from treatment, he still didn’t take off the diaper. “I found it very comfortable with the diaper because then you don’t have to get up anymore,” admits Bill openly. Krömer briefly questioned this statement: “It will be full at some point?” But that didn’t deter Kaulitz, because according to his own statements, he kept the diaper on for two days after his visit to the dentist.

The singer is lucky in that he has good teeth and the dreaded visits to the dentist are therefore rare. In an emergency, it would work without anesthesia, but if the option exists, “I’ll treat myself to a general anesthesia.”
