Bill Gates assures that he wants to “get out” of the list of great fortunes by donating all his wealth

Act at 22:27


He considers that he must give back everything he has been given to get to where he has been

He wants to donate all his assets to the foundation he runs

Bill Gates It is committed to donate your wealth with the objective of get off the list of the richest on the planet. The Microsoft co-founder has announced that he will make a donation of 20,000 million euros to his philanthropic fund that he maintains with his ex-wife. It is one of the most powerful non-governmental organizations in the world when it comes to the economy.

already committed to donate your wealth in 2010, but since then this wealth has only grown fat. In fact, his estate is estimated at $118 billionthat is, his wealth has doubled.

This donation will dwarf his wealth and increase the coffers of the “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation” into which he and his ex-wife have put their efforts since they both retired from the business world.

The foundation’s goal is to increase its spending to $9 billion by 2026 with the goal of help the world with climate crisis, pandemic and recession.

“Going forward, I plan to donate virtually all of my assets to the foundation,” he said. “I will move down and off the list of the richest people in the world. I have an obligation to return my resources to society in ways that have the greatest impact in reducing suffering and improving lives. And I hope that others in positions of great wealth and privilege step forward also at this time.
