Bill for One-off Energy Allowance 2023 to the House of Representatives | News item

News item | 03-07-2023 | 12:30

The 2023 Energy Allowance Bill from Minister Carola Schouten (Poverty Policy, Participation and Pensions) was presented to the Lower House today by the King’s Cabinet. As in 2022, the 2023 energy allowance is intended for households with an income at or just above the social minimum to help them pay the higher energy costs. Because the government sees that students are also confronted with higher energy costs and that there are students who may run into financial problems as a result, a regulation has also been included in the bill for students. They receive a one-off allowance of €400 through the Education Executive Agency (DUO). This applies to students with both a basic grant and a supplementary grant.

Minister Schouten: “The energy bill is lower than last year, but still a lot higher than before. With the energy surcharge, we were able to help people in a targeted way last year to keep their heads above water. Municipalities have made a huge effort to make this possible and I am very grateful to them for being willing to do this again before 2023.”

Again energy allowance for people with a low income via municipalities

On Prinsjesdag, the cabinet already announced that, just as in 2022, it wants to give municipalities the authority to pay an energy allowance to low-income households this year as well. To bridge the first half of 2023, municipalities already had the option of increasing the energy allowance for 2022 by an amount of € 500. Municipalities that have made use of this can still pay € 800 this year. Municipalities that have not done so can pay out the full € 1300.

Allowance for students through DUO

Students are also confronted with higher energy costs and some students may run into financial problems as a result. The government’s vision is that the financial situation of students is a shared responsibility of the government, parents and students themselves. After consultation with the parties involved, including the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, DUO, the VNG, Divosa and aldermen of student cities, the government therefore proposes that students with both a home grant and a supplementary grant in the academic year 2023-2024 receive a one-off contribution towards the energy costs of € 400 to be provided by DUO. It is then a gift. In doing so, the bill does justice to a number of court rulings on the right of students to an energy allowance and the advice of the Council of State on this point.

Students who are no longer entitled to a performance-related grant in the coming academic year, but who are still able to borrow, will not be reached by the bill. DUO does not know whether these students are living away from home because this information is irrelevant for granting the loan. In the coming period, the cabinet will make an ultimate attempt to find out how it can accommodate the increased energy costs for students who need it.
