Bilal Wahib pleads for closure of juice channels: ‘Down with it!’

Bilal Wahib is completely fed up with juice channels such as Juice Channel or Yvonne Coldeweijer’s. He thinks it’s high time we said goodbye to that. “All those juice channels, gone!”


A joke that got out of hand, Bilal Wahib came in for a lot of criticism at the beginning of last year. During a live stream on Instagram, he challenged an underage boy to show his genitals and he did. Images of it were shared on the juice channels at the time. After a storm of criticism, Bilal was banned from Instagram forever.

‘Done with it!’

Ruud de Wild, who pukes on juice channels, asks Bilal in his podcast 30 Minuten Raw: “How do you live in this time of the cancel culture and that everyone just pulls each other’s heads off?”

Bilal: “Yeah, I’m kind of done with it. But yeah…”

Ruud: “Has it also changed you by looking at people differently?”

Bilal: “No, but you are talking about it. Look, if something happens on a juice channel right now, yes, you’ll see that. Then you unconsciously start talking about it.”

‘Down with juice channels!’

Ruud: “Do you think the world has become harder?”

Bilal: “Much harder, but I’ll also tell you honestly: some things are really not possible, you know? But look, if we now see everyone you see with a girl on a terrace… We do have privacy too, don’t we? It’s not your business, man.”

Ruud: “So there should really be a law on what is and isn’t allowed.”

Bilal: “Exactly that! I would. All those juice channels, gone! We have a judge, right? If we do really wrong things, then the judge has to decide that.”


Bilal’s conscious statements:

30 Minutes Raw

You can listen to the full episode of 30 Minutes Raw below:
