Bijna 1,200 migrants arrived on the Canary Islands in 1 weekend | Buitenland

On this day there were a total of 1,154 migrants on the Canary Islands. Het aantal migrants dat de oversteek waagt, zit al grandchildren waken in the lift.

The young people of the Spanish Ministry of Internal Affairs were sent from January 1st to October 15th this year, 23,537 migrants arrived in the Canary Islands. This is a project with 80 percent of the opzichte van dezelfde period in 2022. The first two weeks of October were attended by 8,561 people. The previous one was in the shortest possible time, which was the previous migration in 2006.

The current situation, according to Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska, who took part in the island group last week, has now come to an end with the “destabilization of the Sahel”. The migrant population is specific to the Canary Islands in order to reach Europe, but there is also a requirement for stricter controls in the Middellandse Zee.
