Bijna 1 miljoen fringes demonstreren tegen pensioenhervormingen | Buitenland

Ongeveer 963,000 people raised vandaag in Frankrijk demonstrated tegen de pensioenhervormingen, reports the Franse ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken. In Parijs volgens de politie zo’n 93,000 mensen de straat op.

Franse vakbonden held in four national acts day tegen de plande Verhoging van de pensiónleeftijd van 62 naar 64 jaar. The regering of President Emmanuel Macron noemt de vorming noodzakelijk omdat mensen in Frankrijk steeds Ouder.

The organizers of the protests indicate that there are hopes for an eventuality of more than 1 million people, so that it is possible that it was acted on the 19th of January. The left-radicale bond CGT appreciates that there is a lot of help from Miljoen mensen deelnamen aan demonstrations in de hoofdstad. In heel Frankrijk zou dat aantal volgens de bond 2.5 miljoen zijn.

“All sectors flat”

The protests are becoming increasingly rusty, some cars in Parijs on the sea and some small buildings are set on fire. Also maakt de politie in enkele gevallen used van traangas en verdovingsgranaten tegen demonstrators.

The demonstrations relate to the sea for contracts in a given year in Paris, where there is a number of authorized workers in the Franse air force authority. The toezichthouder is also responsible for the air traffic management.

The vacancies are raised in a general declaration that “all sectors are to be cleared” until the 7th of March, when the regulation does not occur.

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Franse premier does concessie na massale pensioendemo’s
