Big shock to Cristiano Ronaldo! The 2 million euro Bugatti Veyron crashes into the wall

Cristiano Ronaldo, the world-famous football player of Manchester United, was shocked in Mallorca, where he went on vacation with his family and close friends.

One of the most valuable pieces of the famous football player’s 20 million Euro automotive collection, the Bugatti Veyron crashed into the exterior wall of a country house.

As the Sa Coma district of Bunyalo county was shaken by the accident involving Ronaldo’s million-dollar vehicle, local police quickly launched an investigation.

After the investigation, it was determined that the person involved in the accident was not Ronaldo, but an employee of the famous football player. This person, whose name was not shared with the public, accepted his guilt while assuming all responsibilities regarding the accident.

A citizen at the scene told the Spanish press: “Ronaldo’s employee hit the wall of a house here. There is only material damage. No one was hurt. The car seemed to go off the road due to high speed. I don’t know if the landlord will demand compensation.”
