BIG POLL. Open Vld at lowest level ever, N-VA almost back on election result | Inland

If elections were to be held on Sunday, N-VA would once again be the largest party with just under a quarter of the votes in Flanders. This is apparent from De Grote Polling of Het Laatste Nieuws, VTM Nieuws, RTL-TVI and Le Soir. With 24.9%, the party is roughly back on its election result. Open Vld, on the other hand, achieves its lowest score ever and is stranded at 9.3%. Prime Minister De Croo is also no longer the most popular politician in Flanders.

According to the Great Poll, 24.9% of Flemish people would vote for N-VA today. That is slightly more than in the previous poll, although the difference is within the margin of error. The party also remains just below its 2019 election result (25.5%), but that too is not significant. We can therefore say that N-VA is back at the level of May 2019, although it lost compared to the previous elections. With 22.6%, Vlaams Belang is the second largest party in Flanders and achieved 3.9 percentage points more than in 2019 (18.7%). But the strongest climber compared to the election is Vooruit, which climbs a little further poll after poll. Today, Conner Rousseau’s party is almost 15% (14.8%), while sp.a – then led by John Crombez – still stranded at 10.8% in 2019.

The situation is dramatic with the other Flemish Vivaldi parties. Open Vld achieved its worst result ever in the Great Poll at 9.3% and is significantly deteriorating compared to its election result (13.5%). Also CD&V, which today can please 10.2% of the respondents, remains far below its election result (14.2%). Finally, Green also gets a sacrifice. The party, which has had a new chairman duo since Sunday, can only convince 7.9% of those polled today. PVDA is doing better than in 2019 (5.6%): 8.5% of the Flemish surveyed opt for the communists today.

Prime Minister De Croo no longer leads the popularity poll in Flanders. More people indicate that they feel best represented by party chairmen Bart De Wever (N-VA) and Conner Rousseau (Vooruit).

PS climbs out of valley in Wallonia

PS also achieved a similar score compared to the elections today. The French-speaking socialists today convince 1 in 4 Walloons, which is not significantly different from their election result in 2019 (26.1%). MR is just the second party in the south and remains stable at 19.2%. PTB is the third largest and also the only party that does significantly better than in 2019. The Greens of Ecolo have to settle for fourth place, but remain at the level of the election result. Les Engagés – the former cdH – is declining and still convinces 8.8% of the respondents.

MR largest party in Brussels

In Brussels, the MR becomes the largest party with 22% of the vote – a significant improvement on its election result (17.5%). The ruling party Ecolo, which was still the largest in 2019 – drops to 18% and from now on has to give way to the Parti Socialiste. N-VA remains the largest Dutch-speaking party in Brussels with 2.8% of the vote, followed by Vlaams Belang (2.2%). Only then will the ruling party Open Vld follow (2%).

Prime Minister De Croo no longer leads the popularity poll in Flanders. More people indicate that they feel better represented by chairmen Bart De Wever (N-VA) and Conner Rousseau (Vooruit). In Brussels and Wallonia, former Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès (MR) is still at the top. 15% of the Walloons surveyed feel that she is best represented by her. However, Wilmès is currently not in office. Due to her husband’s illness, she has temporarily stepped aside as Minister of Foreign Affairs.

​​The Great Poll of ‘Het Laatste Nieuws’, ‘VTM Nieuws’, RTL and ‘Le Soir’ was conducted online by IPSOS between 6 and 14 June 2022 among 2,552 Belgians aged 18 and older: 1,008 of them lived in Flanders, 1,008 in Wallonia and 536 in Brussels. The maximum margin of error is 3.1% in Flanders, 3.1% in Wallonia and 4.2% in Brussels.

Also read: OUR OPINION. Alexander De Croo is right with his prediction: the liberal voter gradually sees Open Vld as a mop of the government
